August 23, 2023
Latest “Partner with a Payer” Video Highlights Osprey Restoration in New Jersey
NSSF, USFWS, Henry Repeating Arms and NJ Fish & Wildlife Showcase Osprey Population and Restoration
WASHINGTON, D.C. — NSSF®, The Firearm Industry Trade Association, in partnership with Henry Repeating Arms and the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Division of Fish & Wildlife, has released another film in the “Partner with a Payer®” series. Each video continues to highlight the importance of wildlife conservation and management. In the “Osprey Restoration: An American Success Story” video, viewers see what is being done to revitalize and improve wildlife habitat and resources for osprey in the United States.
Companies including firearm and ammunition manufacturers and importers fund these conservation efforts by paying excise taxes established by the Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Act (known as the Pittman-Robertson Act). More than $16.4 billion (over $25 billion when adjusted for inflation) have been contributed and distributed to individual states to allocate funds toward wildlife conservation, hunter-education programs and target shooting programs.
“Forty to fifty years ago, ospreys were a rare species in New Jersey. The help and funding of the Pittman-Robertson Act, along with this U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS) initiative, has made the work of wildlife conservation, habitat management and public resources possible,” said Kathy Clark, Acting Chief of the endangered species program, New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Division of Fish & Wildlife. “Because of the funds received, everyone is benefiting. Not only the targeted, once-endangered species like the osprey, but people using public land for hunting, fishing and other outdoor activities, and the companies who pay the excise taxes. Everyone is contributing to preserving access to the outdoors, along with wildlife and their habitats, for many years to come.”
Representatives from Henry Repeating Arms, New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Division of Fish & Wildlife and USFWS came together to survey and band the current osprey population in the Tuckahoe Wildlife Management Area. This gathering allowed everyone in attendance to witness firsthand what the revenue from the excise taxes is used for and celebrate the long-standing partnership of industry and agencies. Due to the steady funding received, osprey nests in New Jersey have increased from only 50 to over 700 nests.
“It’s been a wonderful experience and provides a deep sense of satisfaction knowing that our company not only helps fund projects like these, but our team was able to see the excise tax dollars at work,” said Dan Clayton-Luce, Vice President of Communications, Henry Repeating Arms. “Here at Henry, we support efforts that are important to wildlife conservation, preserving and promoting shooting sports traditions, education and advocacy within the industry. If we aren’t active participants or supporting these initiatives, current and future generations won’t have access to all the wonderful aspects of the outdoors. Being able to get involved with the New Jersey Fish & Wildlife’s Osprey project is just one of the many ways we, as manufacturers, are able to truly make a difference in the world around us.”
Henry Repeating Arms has directly contributed to the funding of osprey restoration through their contribution to the excise tax. During the visit, a hands-on approach was used to incorporate Henry representatives in the osprey restoration and banding efforts for continued wildlife conservation and management.
This project was funded by the Multistate Conservation Grant Program. The latest video and others in the series were produced by Shine United LLC / Kingdom Filmworks.
About NSSF
NSSF is the trade association for the firearm industry. Its mission is to promote, protect and preserve hunting and the shooting sports. Formed in 1961, NSSF has a membership of thousands of manufacturers, distributors, firearm retailers, shooting ranges, sportsmen’s organizations and publishers nationwide. For more information, visit nssf.org.
NSSF Media contact:
Bill Brassard
203-426-1320 ext. 212
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