July 13, 2023
NSSF Range-Retailer Business Expo Thanks Attendees and Sponsors
MILWAUKEE — NSSF®, The Firearm Industry Trade Association, wrapped up its fourth Range-Retailer Business ExpoTM on July 12 after providing two and a half days of buying and professional development opportunities at this premier gathering for entrepreneurs, startups and established firearm range and retail operators.
“We appreciate the hundreds of industry professionals who attended the NSSF Range-Retailer Business Expo, and we’re grateful to our sponsors who helped make this unique industry event a success,” said Zach Snow, NSSF Director, Member Development.
For exhibitors, the Range-Retailer Business Expo provided companies and organizations a great mid-year opportunity to write orders while showcasing their products and services to the nation’s leading shooting range operators and firearm retailers.
“We had a good experience at the Expo meeting new vendors and greeting existing customers,” said Dennette Stellrecht of Henry Repeating Arms.
“My husband and I own an indoor shooting range and we’re looking to purchase another store and doing our homework. We’re always looking at new software upgrades to improve our operations, and the Expo provides a great opportunity to see many products. We also enjoyed the classes on promotions and building business in slow times,” said Shannon Halsrud of Central-Iowa Impact.
“We were busy and met a lot of people. The setup of the show gives us time to have great conversations that lead to connections and sales,” said Mason Olsgard of Grizzy Coolers.
The format of the Expo appeals to many attendees because it provides time for meaningful conversations about business problem-solving. It also provided an opportunity to connect with those looking to build their ranges and retailer outlets and are seeking guidance on expanding or establishing their business.
NSSF looks forward to seeing exhibitors and attendees at the 2024 Range-Retailer Business Expo when it returns to sunny Florida.
Sponsors of the Range-Retailer Business Expo were:
Silencer Shop / 4473 Cloud
Black Hole Ammunition
Gun Accessory Supply
Milo Live
Mobile Range Technologies
Rushing Ranges
Troy Acoustics
US Law Shield
About NSSF
NSSF is the trade association for the firearm industry. Its mission is to promote, protect and preserve hunting and the shooting sports. Formed in 1961, NSSF has a membership of thousands of manufacturers, distributors, firearm retailers, shooting ranges, sportsmen’s organizations and publishers nationwide. For more information, visit nssf.org.
Media contact:
Bill Brassard
Categories: Education, Featured, Government Relations, Manufacturers, Press Releases, Ranges, Retailers, Top Stories