October 20, 2011
NSSF Action Alert: Call Your Senators Tonight — Anti-gun Senators Blocking A Vote On Hatch Amendment 770
Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) is seeking to offer an amendment to the Commerce, Justice and Science appropriations bill now being debated on the Senate floor, but anti-gun senators are blocking a vote on the amendment. It is imperative that you contact your legislators tonight and urge them to vote YES on Hatch Amendment 770. Tomorrow morning is too late.
The Hatch amendment would permanently enshrine 10 different appropriations “riders” — essentially directions from Congress to the administration about how they must spend, or not spend, funds — into permanent law. Traditionally, each “rider” had to be reauthorized on a year-by-year basis. Some of these riders go back 30 years.
Again, as you’re reading this, anti-gun senators are blocking the vote.
Call your senators immediately (202-224-3121) and urge them to become co-sponsors and support this amendment! Tomorrow morning is too late.
The National Shooting Sports Foundation is encouraging all sportsmen, gun owners and firearms enthusiasts to contact both of their U.S. senators immediately and urge them to vote YES on Hatch Amendment 770 to the Commerce, Justice and Science appropriations bill now being debated on the Senate floor. Tomorrow morning will be too late. Please ask your senators to co-sponsor this amendment that promotes and protects the firearms industry and our Second Amendment rights.
This will only take a minute of your time.
Provisions in the Hatch Amendment
1) Firearms Database Prohibition (CJS)
A prohibition on the use of funds to create, maintain or administer a database of firearms owners or their firearms.
2) Curio and Relic Definition (CJS)
A prohibition on the use of funds to change the definition of a “curio or relic.”
3) Transfer of BATFE Authority (CJS)
A prohibition on the use of funds to transfer any duty or responsibility of the BATFE to any other agency or department.
4) Physical Inventory Prohibition (CJS)
Prohibition on a requirement to allow a physical inventory of Federal Firearms Licensees.
5) Information Retrieval Prohibition (CJS)
A prohibition on the use of funds to electronically retrieve personally identifying information gathered by Federal Firearms Licensees.
6) Business Activity (CJS)
A prohibition on the use of funds to deny a Federal Firearms License or renewal of a Federal Firearms License on the basis of business activity.
7) Information Gathering Prohibition (CJS)
A prohibition on the use of funds to maintain any information gathered as a part of an instant background check or to maintain information for more than 24 hours.
8 ) Firearms Trace Data Disclaimer (CJS)
A requirement that any trace data released must include a disclaimer stating such trace data cannot be used to draw broad conclusion about firearms-related crime.
9) Firearms Parts Export to Canada (CJS)
A prohibition on the use of funds to require an export license for small firearms parts valued at less than $500 for export to Canada.
10) Importation of Curios and Relics (CJS)
A prohibition on the use of funds to arbitrarily deny importation of qualifying curio and relic firearms.
Categories: Government Relations, Top Stories