What Ranges Have to Say
Jeff Pedro
Owner, SimTrainer Academy in Dayton, Ohio:
“First Shots has been a tremendous boost to our range membership and course enrollment. About a quarter to half of all participants come back to the range. The program has proven to be our most effective recruiting tool. We frequently find ourselves adding additional classes due to such high interest in the community.”
Noel Incavo
President, Midwest Sporting Goods, Lyons, Illinois:
“In my opinion, it’s good public relations. You are doing something positive for the community, and you are supporting responsible firearms ownership. And as a businessman, at the end of the day, you’ll find that it is a money-maker.”
Peter Boruchowski
Manager, Smith & Wesson Shooting Sports Center, Springfield, Mass.:
“Our First Shots seminars have been very successful. Nearly 75 percent of the attendees have purchased range memberships or additional training classes. This is a great opportunity to introduce our range and shooting sports to a whole new audience.”