You Want to Build a Shooting Range? Key Steps to Choosing the Right Range Equipment
The marketing strategies webinar, “You Want to Build a Shooting Range? Key Steps to Choosing the Right Range Equipment,” was held on Wednesday, May 1, 2024.
When building a range, there are many factors to consider. This webinar will help you discover the questions you should ask, and the answers you need to build your range, including where am I going to build my range? What type of building will I have? What is the right size of my range? One of the biggest pieces of this puzzle is your range equipment. This too leads to additional questions you need to ask yourself. From selecting a manufacturer, deciding if your range design is going to be set up for standard or tactical application, how many bays and lanes will you build and whether will they be static or dynamic are just some of the questions you need to consider.
Thom Beyer, Founder and Director of Operations for The Range in McKinney, discusses his experiences building an indoor shooting range and the importance of choosing the right range equipment. Thom and his wife, Julie Beyer, spent 7 years learning about the various aspects of building and operating an indoor shooting range, attending numerous NSSF Range/Retail conferences, and visiting ranges throughout the United States. They learned from other range owners’ decisions and gained a great deal of knowledge which saved them from making costly mistakes.
The decision you make about your live fire equipment will be the pivotal factor in your building and your range’s success. Learn from Thom’s experiences to help make the right decision for your range while avoiding costly mistakes.
Watch at SHOT University™ Online
Range/Retailer Business Knowledge Awaits at Range-Retailer Business ExpoTM
Quality education that will give you actionable insights is at the heart of the NSSF Range-Retailer Business Expo. This mid-year industry event is where firearm retailers and range operators learn specific tactics and strategies to stay on top throughout the year.
Whether you’re a startup or have been in business awhile, this knowledge-sharing event is where you will find industry-specific solutions to improve your bottom line. Register now and finish the second half of 2024 strong.