Straw Purchases – Tactics to Help Avoid Them and What to Do if You Think You Made One
The recording of this FREE compliance webinar, “Straw Purchases – Tactics to Help Avoid Them and What to Do if You Think You Made One,” is available at NSSF’s SHOT University™ Online.
Straw purchases are doubly dangerous for FFLs. First and foremost, it’s not your father’s Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) anymore. It is becoming increasingly strict with enforcement actions and will revoke your license for making obvious straw purchases.
Secondly, straw-purchased firearms are often used in crimes which traces back to the FFL that sold them. Therefore, FFLs and ALL sales staff must understand what straw purchases are and use best practice policies to screen potential buyers and help them recognize and prevent these purchases from happening. Equally important is knowing what steps should be taken if you determine that a straw sale has been made.
In this webinar, retired ATF officials Wally Nelson and Judy LeDoux covered these important straw purchase prevention training topics and presented several common straw purchase scenarios.
Watch at SHOT University™ Online