January 22, 2020
SHOT University’s New Format a Success, Sponsors Credited
LAS VEGAS, Nev. — The 2020 SHOT UniversityTM, the annual educational forum that kicks of every SHOT Show® the Monday before the show opens, was deemed a tremendous success by attendees and NSSF organizers alike. The National Shooting Sports Foundation® (NSSF®), the trade association for the firearms industry, owns and operates the SHOT Show.
This year’s format represented a significant departure from SHOT Universities of years past. Building on the positive response to a series of all-hands afternoon break-out sessions introduced at last year’s University, NSSF reorganized the all-day event to expand that experience.
NSSF President and CEO Joe Bartozzi kicked off the day with a look at what’s in store in 2020 for the crowd of nearly 250 retailers and range owners attending SHOT University, followed by an impactful keynote address on new-shooter recruitment and NSSF’s +ONE MovementSM presented by champion shooter, U.S. Army veteran and author Julie Golob. Attendees then had the opportunity to network with the companies and vendors sponsoring the day’s learning experience before heading to their choice of four learning tracks—Membership Training & Events, Compliance, Customer Experience and Ecommerce & Social Media. Those learning tracks had undergone a makeover, shifting from four and five sessions each taking place throughout the day to two morning-only sessions that presented a more detailed look at their headlining topics. Those topics ranged from “Engaging Range Technologies” and “ATF Inspections and NFA Compliance” to “Retail Showroom Space—Profit Maker or Profit Sinker” and an “Instagram Masterclass.”
After the mid-day networking lunch hour, attendees took part in three interactive, all-hands seminars that examined issues affecting FFL retailers and firearms range operators across the country. Those seminars included: a discussion of how to work effectively with the mainstream press in “Media Training;” utilizing key components of Amazon’s and Uber’s wildly successful business models in “The Convenience Revolution;” and SHOT Show favorite Maj Toure revealing how our industry can engage new audiences in “The Business of Freedom.” The day concluded with a cocktail reception for sponsors and attendees.
“Those who’ve attended SHOT University in the past have always appreciated the experience. That we see many repeat attendees attests to that,” said John McNamara, NSSF Senior Director, Retail and Range Services. “Our attendees also see the benefit of SHOT University to the industry as a whole, so when they provide feedback to improve this event, we take it seriously.
“This year’s revised format was a tremendous success thanks to that feedback, but none of it would have been realized without the support of our sponsors,” McNamara added. “Not only does their investment in SHOT University allow us to bring in speakers that deliver intelligence that can make a genuine difference in how our retailers and range owners do business, it shows a dedication to the success of the entire firearms industry. Our many and sincere thanks to each and every one of our 2020 SHOT University sponsors.”
This year’s SHOT University sponsors include:
- United States Concealed Carry Association (USCCA)—Platinum
- Action Target—Gold
- Joseph Chiarello & Co., Inc.—Gold
- Celerant—Gold
- Trident1—Silver
- com—Silver
- National Association if Sporting Goods Wholesalers (NASGw)—Silver
- FFLGuard—Silver
- Kutak Rock, LLP—Silver
- FastBound—Bronze
- GunClear—Bronze
- Baker Tilly Virchow Krause, LLP—Bronze
About NSSF
The National Shooting Sports Foundation is the trade association for the firearms industry. Its mission is to promote, protect and preserve hunting and the shooting sports. Formed in 1961, NSSF has a membership of thousands of manufacturers, distributors, firearms retailers, shooting ranges, sportsmen’s organizations and publishers nationwide. For more information, log on to www.nssf.org.
Media contact:
Bill Brassard
203-426-1320 ext. 212
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