May 28, 2013
Ruger President: Sen. Ayotte Showed Courage in Fight to Address Mass Violence
In New Hampshire, U.S. Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R-N.H.) has been targeted recently by out-of-state gun-control groups because of her vote against the failed Manchin-Toomey amendment in the Senate.
The state’s largest newspaper, the Union Leader, defended Sen. Ayotte last week in an excellent editorial.
This week, an op-ed from Ruger President and CEO Michael Fifer also defends the senator. Writes Fifer, “Sen. Ayotte is a former prosecutor and she cares. She knows that details matter in legislation, not just clever, feel-good titles. And she knows that you have to address the root causes of problems or you will just face them again in the future. Sen. Ayotte is to be commended for taking the more difficult path, but it is the path that will make a real difference.”
Categories: Government Relations, Industry News, Top Stories