August 20, 2018
Ohio Hunters know something about their Bucks
Born and raised in western Pennsylvania, I’m keenly aware that we’re inside two weeks from the official kickoff of college football and in Ohio college football is synonymous with the Ohio State Buckeyes – or Bucks as they’re commonly called. And even though Ohio is world renowned for its bruiser whitetail bucks, business leaders and hunters were busy talking about a different kind of bucks this morning in Columbus. Today at the Statehouse the NSSF launched yet another state chapter of our Hunting Works For America communications program. The Hunting Works franchise, which began back in 2010 proactively engages traditional and non-traditional allies of the shooting sports and give them a voice and a platform to educate local folks on hunting-related issues with a strong focus on the economic benefits of hunting and shooting. Hunting Works For Ohio, just like the 17 existing state chapters of our award-winning program will help tell the story of our hunting heritage. Too often sportsmen and women are humble folks and don’t vocalize all the remarkable things they do for conservation and the economic health of our states.
To give you an example of what hunters do for Ohio’s economy here are few key stats.
Ohio hunters spend nearly $274 million on equipment and overall nearly $850 million a year in retail sales in Ohio pursuing their passion. This spending generates nearly half a billion dollars a year in wages and 20,000 jobs just within the borders of the Buckeye State. These numbers would make the sport of hunting a top ten employer! In addition to this direct spending, hunters pay over $200 million a year in state, local and federal taxes. Multiply all these factors together and you get a nearly $1.5 billion ripple effect on the state of Ohio’s economy!
As if these numbers weren’t enough, the excise tax that sportsmen pay on firearms and ammunition known as Pittman Robertson sends millions of dollars back to Ohio each year and that money goes to fund conservation projects that help game and nongame species of wildlife for all Ohioans to enjoy!
These are truly some amazing numbers so please join me in welcoming Ohio to the Hunting Works For America family! Also, please watch for another state chapter launch in the coming weeks!
You may also be interested in: Hunting Works For America Expands Yet Again and Adds Railroad to Partner Ranks in Land of Lincoln
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