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October 14, 2011

NSSF to Speak at Firearm Research and Technology Forum in South Dakota

NSSF Senior Vice President and General Counsel Lawrence G. Keane will be speaking at the second Firearm Research and Technology Forum in Rapid City, South Dakota next Thursday. According to Gov. Dennis Daugaard (R), the goals of the forum are to identify opportunities for the state’s firearm industry to expand, and to cultivate relations between industry-related companies and South Dakota schools.

The forum brings back to light an issue covered this summer by the New York Times; that of gun and tax friendly states in the South and West luring firearm manufacturers away from the Northeast. The Times’ article cited numerous industry representatives as well as state officials including Gov. Daugaard, who said, “When we approach gun makers, we first make the cultural argument. People in business want to feel their business is wanted and welcome in the communities where they are located. In South Dakota, the culture is there. We don’t regulate firearms businesses out of existence.”

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