July 18, 2011
NSSF Responds to Sunday Hunting Editorial in PA
The following letter to the editor was submitted to the Erie Times-News earlier today in response to the editorial, “Keep ban on Sunday hunting,” July 17, 2011.
Erie Times-News
Letters to the Editor
205 West Twelfth Street
Erie, PA 16534
[email protected]
To the Editor:
I was disappointed to see that the Erie Times-News stands in opposition to Sunday Hunting; especially when one considers that most hunting in Pennsylvania occurs only from late September into early December—clearly very few Sundays would be affected by removing this restriction (“Keep ban on Sunday hunting,” July 17, 2011).
Families spending quality time together in the field is a traditional American activity that is every bit as valid today as it was generations ago. Now it’s true, as the Times News points out, there are many activities that families can participate in outside the home; however, that’s hardly a reason to shut the door on one of the most cherished of these pastimes. Hunting, fishing and other forms of outdoor recreation can provide proven physical, psychological and educational benefits for our nation’s young people – given the time to participate.
Furthermore, an economic impact report released by a coalition of America’s leading conservation, sportsmen’s and hunting organizations has found that removal of Sunday hunting restrictions would result in an estimated 8,190 new jobs in Pennsylvania. The report also notes that these jobs would pay more than $245 million in wages and contribute approximately $765 million in additional economic activity to the state.
Given the economic impact associated with Sunday hunting, I wonder how the local businesses in Erie County, many of whom derive income from hunting and advertise in the Times-News, feel about the paper’s position. Perhaps future ad revenue will be a barometer? Of course, the ultimate measure will not only be seen in dollars and cents, but in how many of today’s young people become tomorrow’s hunter-conservationists.
Christopher Dolnack
Senior Vice President & Chief Marketing Officer
National Shooting Sports Foundation, Inc.
Categories: Hunting, Top Stories