November 1, 2019
NSSF Podcast Talks #GUNVOTE and 2020 Presidential Candidates
This special episode of NSSF’s The Gun Industry SpeaksSM podcast focuses on the importance of voter education. Host Elizabeth McGuigan sits down with NSSF’s Larry Keane for a Q&A style roundup of the top 2020 Presidential candidates stances on gun-related issues and proposed policies and highlights the firearms industry’s #GUNVOTE® initiative. For more information on the candidates, visit GUNVOTE.org.
About The Gun Industry Speaks
In response to the lack of information being shared by the media regarding the industry’s perspective on everything from background checks and trends in gun crime to suicide prevention and bans on certain types of firearms, NSSF has developed “The Gun Industry Speaks” podcast to articulate the industry’s position that it is possible to enhance public safety and protect Americans’ rights simultaneously.
The program, hosted by Elizabeth McGuigan, NSSF’s Director of Legislative and Policy Research, delves into today’s top issues around guns including subjects such as bans on modern sporting rifles and so-called “high-capacity” magazines, Smart Guns, NSSF’s Project ChildSafe® Program, Firearms and suicide prevention, and the current laws in place that are meant to keep guns out of the hands of criminals.
“The Gun Industry Speaks” is available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, and NSSF’s Real SolutionsTM website.
The votes of target shooters, hunters and gun owners are making a difference in our elections and #GUNVOTE was created to ensure every citizen understands the importance of voting to protect America’s firearms freedoms. Voting is a process that begins with registering, then becoming educated about the candidates running for office, and discussing choices with family and friends. The final step, of course, is going to the polls and, when necessary, helping others to get to the polls, too. For more information on the candidates, today’s top issues, and to register to vote or find your polling place, visit GUNVOTE.org.
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