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September 1, 2011

NSSF Photo Contest Continues to Offer $50 Monthly Prize

We have a winner for August and a new theme for September in the National Shooting Sports Foundation’s Facebook Photo Contest.

The winning photo for August in NSSF's Facebook Photo Contest.

Gary Smith of Cedar Park, Texas, was the top prize winner for August.

The September theme reads: Post a photo with a target shooting or hunting theme showing at least one young person participating. We always like to give examples of possible entries. Here’s two: a group photo of a target-shooting team from a state or national competition in the Scholastic Clay Target Program, or a photo taken at a Boy Scout or 4-H summer target shooting session.

To post a photo, look for the Contests tab on NSSF’s Facebook page at To post a photo, an individual must first “Like” the NSSF Facebook page, which has more than 8,000 fans.

NSSF launched the photo contest in celebration of its 50th Anniversary this year. Cool monthly prizes, including a $50 gift card and NSSF’s official anniversary history publication and commemorative coin, are part of this fun, interactive contest. The contest runs through the end of the year with a new theme introduced each month.



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