November 16, 2010
NSSF Membership Reaches 6,000 Milestone
Membership certainly has its benefits, and 6,000 companies and individuals associated with the firearms industry have chosen the National Shooting Sports Foundation to be the ideal trade association to deliver those benefits.
In less than a year’s time, NSSF has added more than a thousand members to surpass the 6,000 milestone, a notable achievement considering that number was reached in advance of the NSSF-owned Shooting, Hunting and Outdoor Trade (SHOT) Show, where typically many new members choose to join.
“We take this membership increase as a vote of confidence that NSSF is providing the right programs and services on behalf of the firearms industry,” said Chris Dolnack, NSSF senior vice president and chief marketing officer. “This widespread support from major manufacturers to small business owners is not lost on federal and state legislators when NSSF engages with them on issues important to our industry.”
NSSF’s membership is broad based, and the organization has become a recognized voice in Washington, D.C., and in state capitals thanks to its growing ranks.
Voting members provide the highest level of support to NSSF. Twelve new voting members signed on in 2010, one of the highest gains in one year.
Firearms retailers continue to bolster NSSF’s membership ranks and make up the largest category. “We continue to renew and add retailer members because we’re providing useful tools to help them run and grow their businesses,” said Bettyjane Swann, director of member services. “Retailers who belong to NSSF have a decided business advantage because of the resources we provide.”
NSSF has also seen a significant rise in shooting range memberships. NSSF provides research and resources to assist individuals in meeting the challenges associated with range operation and development.
Though a trade association, NSSF accepts memberships from individuals who want to show their support for the organization’s programs. This includes members of the outdoor media.
Any company or individual interested in becoming a member of NSSF is invited to review the member-benefit section of the website.
Categories: Industry News, Top Stories