April 26, 2011
NSSF Makes $50,000 Challenge Grant
The National Shooting Sports Foundation has thrown down the gauntlet to companies and individuals that care about protecting open access to public lands by making a $50,000 challenge grant to help fund the educational and outreach campaign created by the nonprofit Tread Lightly! called “Respected Access is Open Access.”
The grant will help fund production costs of up to 250 information kiosks for the U.S. Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management and state agencies designed to encourage responsible behavior on public lands .
“Careless behavior by even a few hunters or target shooters is damaging to the image of all,” said Chris Dolnack, NSSF’s senior vice president and chief marketing officer. “We encourage others to take up the challenge and help fund this education initiative.”
Part of the match has already been made by Yamaha Motor Company, which plans to award a $20,000 grant to Tread Lightly! this spring through its OHV Access Initiative to help further advance the campaign.
Lori McCullough, Tread Lightly!’s executive director, called the NSSF challenge grant a “remarkable gift that will give us the ability to truly take the campaign to the next level.”
Any company or individual who wants to contribute to the “Respected Access Is Open Access” campaign should contact Lori McCullough through Tread Lightly!.
Categories: Conservation, Education, Hunting, Industry News, Safety, Shooting, Top Stories