March 14, 2016
NSSF Encourages State Wildlife Agencies to Attend Industry Summit
The National Shooting Sports Foundation® (NSSF®), the firearms industry trade association, is holding its annual Industry Summit June 6-8 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, at the Pittsburgh Marriot City Center.
The 2016 summit will provide attendees with the latest research related to the firearms and ammunition industry, hunting and target shooting, while delivering cutting-edge information from experts in their field. Those attending the summit are decision makers from all segments of the firearms industry, including firearms retailers, range owners and members of the conservation community.
This year we are also strongly encouraging state wildlife agency professionals to attend, as their agencies and staff are an integral component of our industry’s efforts to boost diversity and participation among hunters and recreational shooters who utilize public lands and firearms ranges, just as they are crucial to improving recruitment and retention rates among these sportsmen.
Said Samantha Pedder, NSSF Manger, Diversity and Outreach, “We are committed to working closely with our state and federal wildlife and land agencies. Our research tells us that many of today’s firearms enthusiasts new to hunting and the shooting sports rely heavily on state agencies for resources to pursue their hobbies. That provides an incredible opportunity to reach out to these new shooters and hunters, let them know about the many opportunities and resources the firearms industry as a whole has to offer them and embrace them as part of the global firearms community.”
NSSF members, non-members, governmental agency professionals and industry relevant guests are all encouraged to attend. Those registering to attend online will receive a discount, and governmental agency staff are able to register at the lowest cost ($450 versus $625 for non-NSSF members and $525 for NSSF members). To register, visit www.nssf.org/IndustrySummit/Registration/. Questions about your registration for this event? Contact Cassandra Stock at [email protected].
A limited number of sponsorship opportunities are available for this important summit. Please contact Chris Tatulli, NSSF Director, Exhibit & Sponsorship Sales, at [email protected].
Categories: Featured, Hunting, R3, Shooting, Top Stories