November 30, 2010
NSSF Celebrates 50 Years!
We couldn’t wait for the New Year to announce NSSF’s golden anniversary, so we got the jump on it with this news release and a story and video clip in our weekly newsletter, Bullet Points. People of a certain age will enjoy the recap of the half century of history, while those familiar only with our industry’s recent past will get a sense of the many challenges NSSF responded to and the many opportunities it seized to help protect America’s great traditions of hunting and target shooting.

The birthday-year festivities won’t start until the SHOT Show in January when present and past NSSF presidents and Board of Governors chairmen are recognized at the State of the Industry Dinner and the entire history video is shown. Before then, however, we’re asking NSSF members who display the NSSF logo on their websites and elsewhere to use the special logo created to build awareness of our 50 years. Members will soon receive an e-mail with instructions on how to obtain the logo for their use.
NSSF’s full story will be told in a publication titled “The National Shooting Sports Foundation: A History 1961 to 2011,” authored by former NSSF President and CEO Doug Painter. A key moment comes when Field & Stream magazine, encouraged by longtime shooting editor Warren Page, organized the First National Conference on the Shooting Sports in 1960 in New York City. From this gathering, a recommendation was made the following year to start a new industry organization — NSSF — which was chartered with 30 founding members. Today, NSSF’s membership stands at more than 6,000.

“Our goal in celebrating this milestone is to remind our member companies how much NSSF has done over the past 50 years to help their businesses thrive and to protect our great American pastimes of hunting and shooting,” said Steve Sanetti, NSSF’s president and CEO. “We’re proud to share our history, our accomplishments and our story with all those who support what NSSF stands for — to promote, protect and preserve hunting and the shooting sports.”
We’re looking forward to sharing NSSF’s history with you in 2011, in large part so that people inside and outside our industry can learn about us, the challenges our businesses and sports face, and the purpose, programs and goals of the Foundation. Since strength lies in numbers, we hope new members will join NSSF in the fight to preserve hunting and shooting over the next 50 years.
Categories: Education, Hunting, Industry News, Shooting, Top Stories