March 6, 2012
More Gun Owners Need to Vote
The potential for growing the gun vote in the 2012 election is considerable given the increase in new firearms owners in recent years. With more people having a stake in protecting their firearms freedoms, voters will be looking to evaluate candidates’ positions on the right to keep and bear arms and on upholding laws and regulations that protect hunting, target shooting and carrying concealed.
To assist with this, the National Shooting Sports Foundation has launched a voter education website called GunVote at nssf.org/gunvote. The GunVote website provides links to voter registration information for all 50 states, a guide to political races in voter districts, the latest polls and a selection of news articles so voters can follow the campaigns.
To reach the most people possible with voter information, NSSF is encouraging Twitter users to tag their election-related tweets with #gunvote and to keep track of related issues on NSSF’s Facebook page.
“More gun owners need to vote,” NSSF President and CEO Steve Sanetti said. “It’s great to see that so many individuals have become firearms owners and are enjoying the shooting sports, but our firearms freedoms require constant support from elected officials. Their votes on legislation and appointments to the courts have profound effects on our firearms freedoms.”
It takes a motivating reason, or reasons, to cast a ballot. A lot of gun owners have had that reason for a long time. Now many who are new to the gun-owning community do, too.
Read the NSSF press release about the new voter education site.
Categories: Education, Government Relations, Hunting, Shooting, Top Stories