April 25, 2019
Industry Summit Hot Topic: Strategized Decision-Making
As the person on the top rung of your enterprise, you make dozens, even hundreds of decisions every day. They range from the minute (will the blue or the white shirt look better for today’s presentation?) and mundane (should we push up ordering of product XYZ to take advantage of a discount?) to the very serious (should we fire Henry or give him additional training?) and potentially life-altering (should you take advantage of a franchise or buy-out offer?).

Making the right decisions at any given juncture are, of course, critical to the success of your business — but how do you go about discovering which decision is right? The answers can be found in your research, data gathering, input from others and even your gut instinct, but what’s more important than any resource is having a detailed plan in place for employing them.
This is where Michael Veltri comes in. Veltri, a highly respected speaker, successful three-time entrepreneur, decorated Marine Corps veteran and a corporate leader with more than 30 years spent in the C-suite trenches of various Fortune 500 companies, brings his exceptional background to this year’s NSSF Industry Summit in his presentation “Decision-Making Mastery: How to Deliver Stunning Bottom-Line Results.”
The last four words — “Stunning Bottom-Line Results” — are the eye-catchers here, because while every business owner or CEO wants to make decisions that don’t cause harm or failure, those same people didn’t get to be where they are because they were looking for average results. You’re not looking for average either, and with Veltri’s insights you’ll learn why the most talented C-suite executives today have decision-making infrastructure in place that’s designed not only to avoid wrong decisions, but to ensure that the right decisions produce exceptional outcomes.
Registration for the 2019 Industry Summit is now open, and Veltri is just one of many dynamic speakers scheduled to address our industry’s decision makers. Don’t miss out, reserve your seat now. As a reminder, early bird pricing for the Summit is in effect through June 1, and those who complete their hotel room reservations at our host hotel, the Cheyenne Mountain Resort, by May 11 also receive a discounted rate.
Categories: BP Item, Featured, Manufacturers, Media, Top Stories