November 14, 2016
Hunting Rights Enhanced in West Virginia, Indiana, Kansas
Sunday Hunting Victorious in West Virginia
The on-the-ground Sunday Hunting movement in West Virginia, assisted organizationally and financially by NSSF, has reason to celebrate after 11 counties on Election Day voted to authorize Sunday hunting on private property. While NSSF was optimistic about securing passage in most of the counties, wining all 11 provides a clear sign to the state legislature that the time has arrived to implement statewide Sunday hunting. NSSF is grateful to the voters who saw this as a private property rights issue.
While county initiatives in the past saw razor close margins, that was not the case on November 8. The margin of approval was nearly 2 to 1 in every county with the exception of Monongalia, where it was approved almost 3-1. Even more surprising are the results from the capitol region of Kanawha County where voters said yes to Sunday hunting, 67 to 33 percent.
Close to 200,000 people in the state cast votes in favor of Sunday Hunting and West Virginia now has 33 counties where it is permitted.
Indiana, Kansas Enshrine ‘Right to Hunt’ in State Constitutions
By overwhelming margins – more than 80 percent in Kansas and just under 80 percent in Indiana – voters approved amendments to their respective state’s constitution that will guarantee the right to hunt, fish and harvest wildlife, protecting this rich heritage for future generations. Hunting and fishing are deeply rooted in both state cultures and have a major economic impact. Indiana’s almost 400,000 hunters and 800,000 anglers spend close to $1 billion annually and support more than 14,000 jobs. Kansas’s nearly 300,000 hunters and 400,000 anglers spend $630 million annually and support approximately 10,000 jobs. There are now 21 states that have constitutionally protected the right to hunt and fish.
Categories: BP Item, Bullet Points, Government Relations, Hunting