Image Source: (AP Images/Andrew Roth)
February 3, 2025
DNC Makes It Official: Hogg Wild for Gun Control
Just in case anyone thought the Democratic National Committee (DNC) was considering serious introspection following November 2024’s election losses, think again. They’re not reconsidering their radical progressive policy positions. They’re doubling down and just elected the gun control poster boy to lead the way.
That’s right. David Hogg, the 24-year-old opportunist financed by Michael Bloomberg’s billions to head up March for Our Lives, is now a vice chair of the DNC, along with Arti Blanco and Malcom Kenyatta.
“Who’s ready to take the fight to the Republicans and win this thing? Are you guys ready to fight?” Hogg asked the crowd following his election. “It’s been a long day, but guess what? We have a long road ahead. Let’s go and kick some a**. Let’s go win our young people back, and let’s stop sending just our thoughts and prayers to address gun violence, and do something. Are you ready to do that? Because together, we can make school shooter drills history, and not headlines. Are you ready to do that?”
To be honest, Hogg’s election to the party apparatus isn’t a great departure from the previous platform. Last August, the DNC posted the draft platform online, which NSSF reported on at the time. In just two short paragraphs of an 80-page document, the DNC issued a “call to arms” to trounce Constitutional rights to keep and bear arms. That included everything from criminalizing private firearm transfers to a ban on Modern Sporting Rifles (MSRs) and standard-capacity magazines to repealing the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA), which Mexico is currently challenging to advance their frivolous $10 billion lawsuit.
“No Right”
But the Democrats have shown by their own actions that they didn’t learn anything from the November election shellacking. Hogg said he wants to bring the youth and minority vote back to Democrats and their antigun agenda. He doesn’t recognize that America’s young and minority voters chose their rights over his incessant droning over gun control that doesn’t address crime and only attacks lawful firearm ownership. Like this one from his 2023 post to X:
You have no right to a gun. You are not a militia. When you’re talking about your second amendment rights you’re talking about a states right to have what is today the national guard. The modern interpretation of 2A is a ridiculous fraud pushed for decades by the gun lobby.
— David Hogg 🟧 (@davidhogg111) February 26, 2023
Hogg tried to pitch the Second Amendment as a state’s right to form a militia. But the U.S. Supreme Court dismissed that notion in the Heller decision and affirmed it in the Bruen decision. That was recently upheld by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit that ruled the government cannot bar handgun sales to 18-20 year-olds because at the time of the founding, these individuals were militia. Their right to keep and bear arms was – and is – Constitutionally protected.
For a guy who wants to bring the youth and minority vote back to Democrats, he’s got some homework to do. He posted on X on Oct. 29, 2023:
If you don’t support banning semi automatic rifles you should leave the Democratic Party and join the Guns Over People party.
— David Hogg 🟧 (@davidhogg111) October 30, 2023
Gun Voters Spoke
NSSF’s estimates are there are over 26.2 million new first-time gun owners in America since 2020. That’s more than there are people in Hogg’s home state of Florida. NSSF’s most recent survey of firearm retailers showed that over there were over 3.9 million first time gun buyers in 2024 and 30 percent of first-time gun buyers in 2024 were under the age of 30 and over 29 percent were women. Of those who were buying firearms in 2024, fifty-seven percent of firearm retailers surveyed reported an increase of White women, 32 percent reported an increase Black men and other 32.5 percent of Black women. Firearm retailers surveyed reported a 33.7 increase of Hispanic men and 26.5 percent of Hispanic women. Asian men increased by 24 percent of retailers’ customers and Asian women increased by 14.5 percent.
That’s growth. But when examined alongside how voters walked away from Vice President Kamala Harris and her gun control ideas, 47 percent of voters 18-29 went for President Donald Trump. Sixteen percent of Black voters supported President Trump, as did 43 percent of Latino or Hispanic Americans. Twenty five percent of Black men supported President Trump along with 48 percent of Latino or Hispanic American men. White women supported President Trump by 53 percent, along with 9 percent of Black women and 39 percent of Latino or Hispanic American women.
Whisper in the Wilderness
The DNC thinks the answer to this is David Hogg. And all of the gun control baggage he carries with him. Even The New York Times couldn’t bring itself to dress up the DNC debacle for anything else other than what it is. Democrats are reeling. They can’t even agree there’s a problem.
“One early focus has been on whether the party’s message or its difficulties in delivering that message is more to blame,” wrote Shane Goldmacher.
Former White House Spokesperson-turned-MSNBC-host Jen Psaki was more blunt in the immediate wake of the November election when she said, “Look, I think Democrats are in the wilderness, as you just said before, there is no clear leader of the party.”
Douglas MacKinnon, writing for The Hill, was blunt in his assessment.
“Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me repeatedly over the years while my standard of life craters and … I’m jumping on the Trump train to see where it takes me and my family.”
Jim Geraghty, writing for The National Review, summed up how he believes how Hogg won’t be the vaunted sherpa to bring the DNC back from the cold, harsh wilderness in which it finds itself.
“Meanwhile, David Hogg is likely to keep doing what he does best, insisting that the Second Amendment does not protect an individual’s right to own a firearm, arguing that the National Rifle Association is a terrorist organization, and making ill-informed and hard-left controversial statements on social media,” Geraghty writes.
For the firearm industry’s part, we’ll continue to welcome new gun owners from all walks of life. NSSF’s Faces of FirearmsTM campaign demonstrates that regardless of what Americans look like, how they speak or where they’re from, we all share common values. We value our rights and our commitment to Real Solutions. Safer Communities.® That message, like America’s commitment to freedom, endures.
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