February 27, 2023
Another Major Poll Shows Increasing Popularity of MSRs Among Americans
Americans have purchased Modern Sporting Rifles (MSRs) by the millions and are becoming more aware of the firearm’s functionality and operation. As a result, a new poll shows Americans increasingly do not support a national ban on MSRs at the same time President Joe Biden and Congressional Democrats continue to demand one.
Americans want criminals held accountable for breaking existing gun laws, not more laws that infringe upon their rights.
Increasingly Unpopular
A new poll from Quinnipiac University is again throwing cold water on gun control advocates’ push to ban commonly-owned firearms. In this case, it’s the Modern Sporting Rifle (MSR), the so-called “assault rifle”- or “assault weapon” as they commonly mislabel the firearm.
According to Quinnipiac, 48 percent oppose a ban. The poll noted a continuing trend against a ban. In July last year, 45 percent opposed the ban – a three percentage point swing in about seven months.
Firearm industry data showed over the past few years while law-abiding Americans purchased firearms at a blistering pace, the MSR was a popular choice, including among first-time gun owners. Since 1990, there are more than 24.4 million MSRs in circulation today. That includes more than 4.5 million in the last three years alone.
Those Americans purchasing MSRs and becoming more familiar and comfortable with the firearm include all demographics and backgrounds, including women and African Americans. As NBC reported on the rifle’s growing popularity, 26-year-old mother Megan Hill explained why she bought one. “We looked at the AR-15, and it was all in one package. You can target-shoot with it, protect yourself with it, hunt with it. Luckily we haven’t had to use it in self-defense, but it’s a comfort knowing that it’s there to protect my children and my family.”
Trend Continues
The Reload reported on the newest poll. The Quinnipiac data marked the second major polling survey to show declines in support for a federal ban on the popular rifle. An ABC News/Washington Post poll painted a similar picture earlier this month.
That poll showed a majority of Americans opposed adopting a national “assault weapons” ban, a 10-point jump in opposition since the question was last asked in 2019. Only 47 percent of those polled said they support the proposal, the second-lowest level of support measured since the poll began in 1995.
“Among other issues, while President Joe Biden is calling on Congress to renew the long-expired ban on assault weapons, the public now is divided on the question, surprising given recent gun violence but confirming other data,” the report states.
The trend is not surprising though when viewed through the lens of Americans taking up their safety and Second Amendment rights to defend themselves and their families. When policymakers go soft on criminals who break the law and implement policies that defund law enforcement, law-abiding Americans will take responsibility for their safety.
Inaction at the Top
President Joe Biden has made passing a so-called “assault weapon ban” a mainstay of any speech regarding criminal misuse of firearms, even when deranged individuals and murderers use some other variety of firearm. He’s even on the receiving end of criticism from major gun control groups for not getting a ban passed, or using executive action to implement one.
In Congress, the previous Democratic controlled House of Representatives barely passed a ban. That legislation stalled in the U.S. Senate where not even all Democrats support a ban. As another presidential campaign is already underway, Americans will likely hear more campaign rhetoric demanding bans. Americans have spoken. The gun control politicians don’t seem to be listening.
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