September 27, 2010
ABA Committee Adopts Microstamping Resolution
The American Bar Association’s (ABA) House of Delegates has adopted a microstamping resolution submitted by their own Standing Committee on Gun Violence, whose members include Dennis Henigan of the Brady Campaign. The resolution urges “federal, state and territorial governments to enact laws requiring that all newly-manufactured semi-automatic pistols be fitted with microstamping technology.” Prior to the committee vote, NSSF sent letters to each committee member urging them to revise the initial draft resolution and join with members of the firearms industry and law enforcement in supporting a federal study on the concept of firearms microstamping. NSSF also submitted an “Informational Report” to the House of Delegates. “It is regrettable, albeit not surprising, that the ABA Standing Committee on Gun Violence ignored clear-cut data demonstrating the need for a comprehensive federal study on firearms microstamping prior to supporting a nationwide mandate of the dubious concept,” said NSSF Senior Vice President and General Counsel Lawrence G. Keane.
NSSF continues to support the Firearms Microstamping Evaluation and Study Act (H.R. 5667), legislation that directs the U.S. Attorney General to work with the National Academy of Sciences to conduct a comprehensive study of firearms microstamping. Support for this commonsense bipartisan bill is rooted in ensuring that adequate research of microstamping is completed prior to states mandating the flawed concept through the legislative process.
To contact your legislators and voice your support for this study bill, please click here.
Categories: Government Relations, Top Stories