April 22, 2013
A Day to Celebrate Conservation
Today is Earth Day, a celebration of our planet’s natural resources, so let’s not forget the major role hunters and all other firearms purchasers play in funding protection for our country’s wildlife and wild lands. Since the establishment in 1937 of an excise tax under the Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Act (“Pittman-Robertson”), purchases of firearms and ammunition have raised more than $7 billion in support for wildlife conservation, including more than $1 billion in the past year alone. And let’s also not forget duck stamps. Ninety-eight cents out of every dollar spent on federal duck stamps goes directly to purchase or lease wetland habitat for protection in the National Wildlife Refuge System.
Learn more about sportsmen’s contributions to conservation at www.nssf.org/huntergreen
Read about “un-endangered” species that have been rescued from severe population decline, and some from near extinction.
Categories: Conservation, Education, Hunting, Shooting, Top Stories