November 10, 2015
2016 SHOT Show Retailer Seminar—Expecting the Unexpected: Is Media Your Friend or Foe?
In our politically charged environment, your firearms retail store is a prime candidate for on-the-spot interviews and use as a backdrop for both local and national news outlets. Do you have a plan in place for working with the reporters, journalists, editors and producers of today’s press corps?
The media can be friend or foe—and often you won’t know which when they pay you an unexpected visit. Are you ready when the local affiliate shows up to cover a human-interest story on a rash of home break-ins and a rise in gun sales? What about when the national news calls and says they want your take on gun control and the presidential candidates?
As a retailer, range owner or manufacturer, if you don’t have a specific and decisive plan in place to work with media when they come through your front door unannounced, microphones in hand and video cameras rolling, then you need to include attending the Retailer Seminar “Media Training—Expecting the Unexpected” in your 2016 SHOT Show planning. Moderated by NBC news anchor and communications expert Ann Baldwin, attendees to this important session will learn the importance of putting a written plan in place to work with media when an incident occurs at your business and having a designated spokesperson trained in how, when and what questions to answer. Tricks of the trade will also be discussed—you’ll come away with a better understanding of what the media is looking for when they do on-the-spot and surprise interviews—so that you, your business, your brand and your reputation are protected in the aftermath of the six o’clock news byte, and attendees will have the opportunity to role-play in camera training exercises.
“Media Training—Expecting the Unexpected” is one of nearly 20 Retailer Seminars being conducted during the 2016 SHOT Show. This special, must-attend event will take place Tuesday, January 19, from 1:30 to 4:00 p.m. in the Lando Ballroom, Room 4302, of the Venetian. Tickets are just $25, and both NSSF members and non-members are welcome to attend. To register for this event and purchase seating, log in to your dashboard at shotshow.org after applying to attend the 2016 SHOT Show and add this course to your shopping cart.