October 16, 2012
How Hunters Can Donate Venison
More than 11 million meals were provided to the less fortunate through hunters’ generous donations of game meat in 2010. This hunting season NSSF reminds all hunters to consider sharing their harvest with those in need. A new video and webpage encourage hunters to donate venison to food banks and other charitable meal providers.
Acquiring nutritious meat is difficult and expensive. “Without venison donations, some organizations would not have protein to give to people,” said Peter Aldrich, president of Hunt to Feed in Connecticut.
NSSF’s Hunters Feed website provides information on how to contact the many active groups that accept game meat donations. If you don’t find an organization near you, NSSF suggests contacting the state wildlife department, a local fish and game club or a nearby food pantry.
“If you have a successful hunting season, donating venison is a way to make it an even better and more meaningful one,” said Glenn Sapir, the video’s host and NSSF’s director of editorial services.
Categories: Hunting, Top Stories