January 15, 2025
NSSF Government Relations Team Profile: Chris Kopacki
NSSF’s Government Relations Team is working hard on behalf of the entire firearm and ammunition industry, both at the federal level and at state capitals across the country. To give our members a better understanding of who is fighting for their businesses and Second Amendment rights every day, NSSF will periodically publish a Government Relations Team member profile. January’s NSSF GR Team profile is for Chris Kopacki, NSSF Director for Government Relations – State Affairs, Mid-Atlantic Region.
1) What is your favorite hunting or recreational shooting sports activity?
Starting my career in law enforcement, I always loved range day. The camaraderie and friendly competitions with platoonmates were some of my favorite memories. Even now, I enjoy range days and target shooting. And I believe in practicing what I preach – if you’re going to carry, you need to stay proficient.
2) How did you become interested in professionally advocating for pro-firearm industry policies and Second Amendment rights?
Again, this goes back to my time in policing. I learned early on that the police can’t be everywhere, all the time. Police are usually called after something has already happened, and it takes time for officers to arrive. Individuals are responsible for their own safety, and I saw first-hand the difference being able to protect yourself with a firearm makes until help can arrive. It can literally be life or death. Good people must continue to have the right to own a firearm for self-defense, among other reasons. I’m passionate about this. That’s why I started advocating for the industry and Second Amendment rights. Without the industry, there is no Second Amendment!
3) Describe your role within NSSF to the firearm industry community.
I’m the Director of Government Relations for the mid-Atlantic region, which includes the states of New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, North Carolina and my home state of Virginia. My primary focus is advocating against policies that will negatively impact the industry and the hardworking men and women that make up the industry. The state legislatures in which I work aren’t the most firearms-friendly but when there is the chance to advance pro-industry policies, it is a reminder that there are points upon which we can agree to grow opportunities for businesses and recreation.
4) What is your favorite aspect of your role with NSSF while interacting with industry partners?
My favorite aspect of working with industry partners is learning from them. The industry employs a broad range of experts who are passionate about their work. It’s always exciting to learn something new, whether it’s on the technical side or the policy side. And as a firearms enthusiast myself, it’s just fun to work with other gun enthusiasts.
5) Describe your favorite “win” from your role/advocacy on behalf of the firearm industry.
Over the past decade advocating for the industry and Second Amendment rights, I have been fortunate to have helped enact significant pro-Second Amendment legislation across the country. Most recently, my favorite “win” is enacting privacy legislation that limits the use of new Merchant Category Codes (MCCs) to track firearm purchases. When this new problem arose a few years ago, I was at the forefront of developing a policy response. In the first year of working the issue (2023), six states passed versions of this legislation that prohibit banks from using this specific MCC. Currently 18 states have now enacted laws protecting consumers against the new MCC.
Additionally, some of the most important “wins” often deal with killing bad bills. While it may not get as much press or be celebrated with a signing ceremony, stopping bad legislation from becoming law and negatively impacting the industry is extremely rewarding.
6) What’s a favorite hobby or recreational activity outside of hunting or shooting sports?
When I’m not spending time with my wife and dog, I love golfing and flying. When session ends, you will likely find me on the golf course. I also have an FAA Sport Pilot Certification and enjoy spending time in the air. Seeing things from above can really change your perspective on what’s going on below.
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