May 5, 2021
98% of Duck Stamp Revenue is Used to Purchase and Preserve Wetlands
Federal Duck Stamps are conservation revenue stamps; 98 percent of the purchase price goes directly to help acquire and protect wetland habitat and purchase conservation easements for the National Wildlife Refuge System.
Since 1934, more than 5.5 million acres of waterfowl habitat have been acquired for the National Wildlife Refuge System through Duck Stamp sales revenue. These wetland ecosystems benefit all species and people and also naturally serve to recharge groundwater, act as a carbon sink, decrease soil erosion and prevent flooding.
Understanding Federal Duck Stamps
One of the easiest ways that anyone can support bird habitat conservation is by buying Federal Duck Stamps – among the most successful conservation tools ever created to protect habitat for birds and other wildlife.
While waterfowl hunters 16 years of age or older are required to purchase them, anyone can contribute to conservation by buying Duck Stamps. In addition to serving as a hunting license and conservation tool, a current Federal Duck Stamp is also a free pass into any national wildlife refuge that charges an entry fee. Because nearly all of the proceeds are used to conserve habitat for birds and other wildlife, birders, nature photographers and other outdoor enthusiasts buy Duck Stamps to help ensure that they can always see wildlife at their favorite outdoors spots.1
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Categories: Conservation, Education, Featured, Hunting, Top Stories