July 1, 2024
ATF Q&A: Firearms Transactions
The Department of Justice (DOJ) recently updated a direct final rule titled ‘‘Bipartisan Safer Communities Act Conforming Regulations," what changes were made?
The Department of Justice is correcting a direct final rule titled ‘‘Bipartisan Safer Communities Act Conforming Regulations’’ that appeared in the Federal Register on April 19, 2024. That document amended Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (‘‘ATF’’) regulations to conform ATF regulatory text to the new firearms-related definitions and requirements established by the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act and the NICS Denial Notification Act. This document makes some minor technical corrections to the direct final rule, which otherwise remains the same as previously published. All corrections are noted in this document.
Corrections were made on page 47789, in the first column, in part 270, instruction 9, On page 47789, in the third column,
in part 275, instructions 12 as well as on page 28630, in the third column, amendatory instructions b.iv and v, and the respective regulatory text for instruction 2.b.v
See the corrected document here.
These corrections will become effective July 18, 2024.
Information courtesy of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF)