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July 11, 2017

ATF Q&A: 4473 Forms

Is the transferee required to provide his or her Social Security Number on the ATF Form 4473?

No. This information is optional. However, providing this information may help ensure the lawfulness of the sale by minimizing the possibility of the transferee being incorrectly identified as a felon or other prohibited person. It may also help NICS process the transaction more quickly. Furthermore, inclusion of the Social Security Number will help differentiate the transferee from any other person with the same name who might come under ATF investigation. [27 CFR 478.124(c)(2)]



NSSF Member Webinars

Completed From 4473 Webinar Winning at ATF Inspections
From transfers to inspections to trace, the new (as of July 2020) Form 4473 is a critical document for all firearms retailers. This course is designed to take you step-by-step through a big picture overview and then line-by-line through the nuances of completing each section of the new form.

Watch at SHOT University Online

This 3 part course, presented by retired ATF deputy Director, Wally Nelson, and retired ATF Inspector, Jean Zabel, covers The Basics of ATF inspections, Issues and Resolutions and Proactive Steps to Prepare for an ATF Inspection.


Watch at SHOT University Online

More Retailer Compliance Resources Here


24-Hour Compliance Hotline

NSSF members can greatly benefit from the NSSF’s Retail Member Hotline. The toll-free hotline will bring calls in to the NSSF headquarters on a 24/7 basis. If questions regarding compliance, transactions, legislation or any other topic cannot be answered at the time of the call, an all-out attempt will be made to provide the answer within 24 hours.

NSSF members have exclusive 24/7 access to the NSSF’s Retail Member Hotline. Non-member retailers can view some of the questions that have been asked and answered through this service here.

Compliance Resources for Members

NSSF offers an array of resources and information to help members operate their businesses in compliance with laws and regulations. NSSF’s regulatory compliance resources include articles, newsletters, videos, online training courses, legal and regulatory compliance consultants and more. Log in to access.