May 27, 2010
War veteran, 80, kills armed burglar in Chicago
With the Supreme Court of the United States set to rule on the constitutionality of Chicago’s gun ban (McDonald v. City of Chicago); one 80-year-old resident didn’t let anything stand in his way of protecting his wife and himself. After being the victim of a gun-point robbery in his home last year, the man — a Korean War veteran with three children and six grandkids — bought a handgun, vowing never to be a victim again. This handgun saved the vet’s life (and presumably his wife’s life) when an armed intruder broke into his house early yesterday morning. As one neighbor said, "I'd have done the same thing. They (the city of Chicago) say we've got to give up our guns. But that's crazy."
So Mayor Daley, are you going to call for the man's arrest … or just bayonet him?
Categories: Government Relations, Top Stories