March 24, 2010
Utah Welcomes NSSF’s Modern Sporting Rifle Campaign
It remains a priority of the National Shooting Sports Foundation to continue correcting misinformation about AR-style modern sporting rifles. We take every opportunity to remind hunters and shooters that these firearms are not military "assault rifles" even though anti-gun organizations attempt to brand them as such; that AR-style rifles function just like other semi-automatic rifles–firing one round with each pull of the trigger; and that these modern sporting rifles have evolved from military rifles just as civilian sporting firearms have done for well over 100 years.
These points and others were made during two presentations at the recent International Sportsmen's Expo in Sandy, Utah, and in radio interviews with Tim Hughes of Utah Outdoors and Cris Draper of Trailmaster Outdoors. The campaign's video (see below) and pocket fact card proved to be popular with attendees.
NSSF's modern sporing rifle education campaign was launched last year with the goal of educating misinformed and uninformed hunters and shooters, and the media. When hunters and shooters make inaccurate statements about modern sporting rifles, they inadvertently assist those who seek to ban AR-style semi-automatic rifles, which are used widely for target shooting and, increasingly, for hunting small and big game. Given the importance of this issue to all gun owners and its members, NSSF will continue promoting the campaign's messages through an advertising campaign in sportsmen's magazines, online at www.nssf.org/msr and in presentations to outdoor media groups, such as the upcoming Northwestern Outdoor Writers Association.
Still confused about AR-style rifles or want to learn more about the campaign? Watch this video.