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November 18, 2015

Urge Support for S.556 the Bipartisan Sportsman’s Act of 2015

Thursday morning, the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee will vote to advance the Bipartisan Sportsmen’s Act of 2015 (S.556) S.556 is a compilation of bills that will expand, enhance and protect America’s hunting and shooting heritage by increasing access to federal lands and reauthorizing several important conservation programs. As you know, hunting and shooting access and conservation are vital to the firearms and ammunition industry, and advancement of this important legislation is an NSSF legislative priority. Please call 202-224-3121 and ask the members of the Energy and Natural Resources Committee listed below to vote in favor of advancing the Bipartisan Sportsmen’s Act at Thursday’s full committee business meeting.

Lisa Murkowski, Alaska, Chair
John Barrasso, Wyoming
Jim Risch, Idaho
Mike Lee, Utah
Jeff Flake, Arizona
Bill Cassidy, Louisiana
Cory Gardner, Colorado
Steve Daines, Montana
John Hoeven, North Dakota
Lamar Alexander, Tennessee
Shelley Moore Capito, West Virginia
Maria Cantwell, Washington, Ranking Member
Ron Wyden, Oregon
Debbie Stabenow, Michigan
Al Franken, Minnesota
Joe Manchin, West Virginia
Martin Heinrich, New Mexico
Tammy Baldwin, Wisconsin
Mazie Hirono, Hawaii
Angus King, Maine
Elizabeth Warren, Massachusetts
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