November 1, 2016
This Election, Make Your Vote a #GUNVOTE!
Election Day 2016 is quickly approaching and your #GUNVOTE is more critical than ever. NSSF Senior Vice President and General Counsel Lawrence Keane is calling on all voters to visit GUNVOTE.org one last time before Election Day to become informed on candidates’ positions on the Second Amendment and your gun rights.
To register to vote and stay informed on the issues, visit GUNVOTE.org.
I’m Lawrence Keane, Senior Vice President for Government & Public Affairs at the National Shooting Sports Foundation.
From the start of the 2016 Presidential Election, all of us involved with our #GUNVOTE voter registration and education initiative have been saying how important it is for all Americans who respect and truly care about our individual right to keep and bear arms to pay attention to the candidates’ records — and to their words — during this campaign.
Your preferred candidate may or may not have won their party’s nomination. Either way, you must vote on Nov. 8.
If you live in a state where you can vote early, try to do so. If you will be away on Election Day, get an absentee ballot and send it in.
Whether you live in a swing state or one where the pundits tell you it’s already decided for one party or the other, you must still vote. If we have learned anything this year, it is that we can take nothing for granted.
Talk to your family, co-workers, friends and neighbors. Be sure that they are informed on where the candidates stand on the issues and urge them to vote.
The person you vote for as President will be nominating one, two or maybe even three Supreme Court justices. The person you select as U.S. Senator will be voting on those nominations. The landmark Heller decision reaffirming your Second Amendment rights was decided by just one vote. The balance of the Court is at stake.
Time is short. Visit GUNVOTE.org for more information.
Don’t risk your rights. This election, make your vote a #GUNVOTE.
Categories: Featured, Government Relations, Top Stories