November 25, 2012
The Sportsmen’s Act of 2012 — FINAL VOTE EXPECTED TODAY
THIS IS IT! Take Action Now!
Call your U.S. Senators 202-224-3121
The U.S. Senate is scheduled to vote today, Monday, Nov. 26, on the Sportsmen’s Act of 2012 (S.3525).
All hunters, target shooters and firearms owners should call your senators on Monday and urge them to vote YES on the Sportsmen’s Act (S.3525), the most important package of measures for the benefit of sportsmen in a generation.
Do not be confused by the mistaken information put out by one national gun owners organization. S.3525 does not override current laws and thereby enable the seizure of privately-held land.
This historic legislation includes the firearms industry’s top legislative priority, the Hunting, Fishing and Recreational Shooting Protection Act (S. 838) that would clarify that ammunition is excluded from regulation by the Environmental Protection Agency under the Toxic Substances Control Act.
Anti-hunting groups led by the Center for Biological Diversity are suing the EPA to force a ban on traditional ammunition made with lead components that would devastate hunting and shooting sports participation, drive up ammunition prices by almost 200 percent on average and dry up conservation funding.
No less than 46 of the nation’s leading sportsmen and conservation groups including NRA, Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation, Ducks Unlimited, American Sportfishing Association, International Game Fish Association, Center for Coastal Conservation, and Boone and Crockett Club are championing S.3525. This bipartisan legislation is strongly supported by the National Shooting Sports Foundation.
A similar package of bills–the Sportsmen’s Heritage Act of 2012 (H.R. 4089)–was passed by the House in the spring by a bipartisan vote of 276 to 146. Passage of this pro-sportsmen’s legislation will promote, protect and preserve our nation’s hunting, shooting and conservation heritage for generations to come.
Call the U.S. Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121 to urge your senators to SUPPORT the Sportsmen’s Act of 2012. Find complete contact information for your elected officials here.
Visit NSSF’s Government Relations site at
Categories: Government Relations, Hunting, Industry News, Shooting, Top Stories