July 17, 2019
Selling the Story Behind Your Business
There’s no business on this planet that doesn’t have a story behind it. Sometimes it’s just the telling of a lifelong dream, the realization of a personal passion. Others are tales of accidental fortune, misfortune and fortune again. Then there are the ones of humble beginnings at the kitchen table or garage workbench that morphed to a national presence.
That admiration of the “little guy who made good,” it turns out, is a remarkable selling tool, and it doesn’t matter whether the good at hand is a single successful retail store on the edge of town, a multi-state franchise or a global enterprise. What is important is how the story of getting to the good part was communicated.
Which would you rather be, the boring old uncle who never tires of telling how he had to get up and milk cows at 4 a.m. every morning from the time he was five, or the globe-trotting granny whose tales make you feel like you’ve been in the spice markets of Marrakech, on top of Mt. Everest and diving in Belize right alongside her? Bet you want to grab your snorkel more than you want to run a dairy farm, right? The story behind your business can have the same effect on your customers, and you’ll learn how with the keynote address taking place Tuesday morning at the 2019 Range-Retailer Business Expo.
“Clarify Your Message So Customers Will Listen: How the Power of Story Can Grow Your Business” will be delivered by communications expert and author Tim Arnold. Arnold has worked with a number of high-profile brands, including Citibank, Toyota and Siemens, to develop corporate stories that foster consumer buy-in and customer loyalty. His presentation at the Range-Retail Expo will help you cut through your story’s clutter so that people will listen to what you have to say, discover it meets their needs and, ultimately, respond by ringing your cash register.
Clarify Your Message So Customers Will Listen: How the Power of Story Can Grow Your Business
Date/Time: Tuesday Aug. 20, 8:30-9:30 a.m.
Categories: BP Item, Education, Featured, Ranges, Retailers, Top Stories