February 17, 2014
Remington Makes It Official: Will Open Plant in Alabama, Bringing 2,000 Jobs to Huntsville
Reports of a Remington expansion to Alabama began making the rounds on Friday, and today Gov. Robert Bentley made the official announcement: Remington Outdoor Co., formerly Freedom Group, will expand to the old Chrysler building in Huntsville, Ala., and create more than 2,000 new jobs within the next 10 years.
Bentley joined Remington Chairman and CEO George Kollitides and other state and local leaders for the announcement.
“I am honored to welcome Remington to Alabama,” Bentley said. “The Alabama workforce, our business climate and our quality of life continue to make Alabama extremely attractive to companies. Remington will soon experience the same type of success that other companies in Alabama have already experienced. Today’s announcement will create more than 2,000 jobs in Huntsville, and reflects a statewide capital investment of $110 million. Our relationship with Remington is just beginning, and I look forward to a continued partnership with the company.”
It didn’t take long for political operatives for New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo to begin political damage-control work. The company currently employs 1,300 at its historic plant in Ilion, N.Y.
Said Kollitides, “This additional capacity is essential to fulfill demand and introduce new products. Having watched our company grow from 2,400 employees in 2008 to 4,200 employees by the end of 2013, a five-year, 75 percent increase, it is easy to see why we’re investing now.”
Read the official announcement from the Alabama Governor’s Office.
Categories: Industry News, Top Stories, WTS