March 8, 2011
President Discusses Illegal Straw Purchases; ATF to Review Firearms Trafficking Strategy
A day after President Obama appeared with Mexican President Filipe Calderon to discuss solutions to cartel-related violence in Mexico, ATF Acting Director Kenneth Melson announced his intention to ask a multi-disciplinary panel of law enforcement professionals to review ATF’s current firearms trafficking strategies. In his remarks, President Obama stated his support for the Second Amendment while noting the need to address the role that straw purchasing plays in illegal gun trafficking operations.
As part of this strategic review, NSSF is urging ATF, Congress and the administration to adequately fund the Don’t Lie for the Other Guy anti-straw purchasing program. For the last decade, NSSF has partnered with the ATF in this national campaign to make the public aware that it is a serious crime to straw purchase a firearm. The program also helps ATF to educate firearms retailers – whom ATF considers the first line of defense – to better detect and prevent illegal straw purchases.
“By adequately funding Don’t Lie, Congress and President Obama will be giving ATF an important tool it needs to help deter the criminal acquisition of firearms, some of which might otherwise be misused in Mexico by the drug cartels,” said NSSF Senior Vice President and General Counsel Lawrence G. Keane.”
Categories: Government Relations, Top Stories