September 16, 2015
PR Expert Michelle Scheuermann Joins Lineup of 2016 SHOT Show University Speakers
I am pleased to announce that leading social media and public relations expert Michelle Scheuermann has been added to the list of subject matter experts speaking during the 2016 SHOT Show University. Her presentation, “Social Media and the Firearms Retailer,” will be part of the New Operator learning track.
Scheuermann began her career as the public relations coordinator for a utilities locating service in Minnesota before moving to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, to become Director of Communications for the national cable network Sportsman Channel. For eight years Scheuermann led the PR department there, focusing on multiple audiences and beginning the network’s social media efforts, including branding, public affairs and government affairs outreach initiatives. Now back in Minnesota, Michelle runs the consulting business she founded, BulletProof Communications LLC, where she continues to work with the Sportsman Channel and other individuals and companies in the outdoor world to reach their target audiences through both traditional and non-traditional communications efforts.
“The biggest takeaway I hope retailers have from this presentation is to have a deeper respect for social media. It requires a certain amount of your time and consideration and should not be undervalued, ignored or given to someone with full rein to do with as they please. In order to maximize your opportunities, you need to know when to push yourself on social media—and when to step back. During my presentation, I’ll walk attendees through all the major social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and others so that they walk away with a better sense of how to implement an easy, go-to plan for their businesses.”
The 2016 SHOT Show University will take place January 18, the day before the show opens. Registration for this event is now open to retailers and exhibitors whose applications to attend the show have been approved. NSSF Premium Retailer members are permitted one complimentary ticket to the event. Tickets for all other NSSF members and for Premium Retailer members wishing to purchase tickets in addition their complimentary seat are $250. Tickets for non-member retailers and exhibitors are available for $500. The full course description for the 2016 SHOT Show University is available here. For more information, visit shotshow.org or click here.