December 20, 2016
NSSF Welcomes Bill Adams to Speaker Lineup for New Executive Management Seminar
I am pleased to announce that professional business educator Bill Adams has agreed to join the lineup of speakers for NSSF’s newest SHOT Show venue, our Executive Management Seminar. This is the first time we’re working with Adams and he brings an incredible knowledge bank to the table, one from which we think those attending this session will instantly benefit.

Adams is the co-founder and faculty lead for the Government Sector of the Center for Creative Leadership (CCL), one of the most well respected leadership development firms in the country. Served well by his background as a military officer and as the director of West Point’s Center for Enhanced Performance, Adams today leads a staff of 40 faculty members delivering a diverse curriculum for CCL’s clients. He has extensive experience working globally in both private and government sectors, including Fortune 100 companies and those in the aerospace, engineering, manufacturing, financial services, energy and consulting sectors. Adams is certified to deliver feedback in CCL 360-degree assessments, Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, FIRO, WorkPlace Big Five 4.0, Learning Type Measure, Conflict Dynamics Profile, Change Style Indicator, Influence Style Indicator and Hogan assessments.
Adams will be delivering the first keynote address of the event, “Keys to Peak Performance.” During this eye-opening session, you’ll learn how your business can benefit from the hard focus practices professional athletes use to get and stay “in the zone,” including how to develop a mental filter and control self-talk, how to use affirmations and imagery to enhance performance, handle pressure, deal with setbacks and clear the mind to perform at an optimal level. Backed by case studies and immediately applicable techniques, Adams will enable you to will leave this session armed with an enhanced ability to control your mental processes and run your business to the best of your ability.
The 2017 SHOT Show Executive Management Seminar will take place the day before the show opens, Monday, January 16, from 9:45 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Morning coffee and a buffet lunch will be provided. Designed as the premier educational forum for rising managerial and executive-level professionals, the seminar is open to both NSSF Members and non-members. NSSF Members receive a significant discount on their registration fee. Register today.
Categories: Education, Featured, Industry News