May 22, 2018
NSSF Statement on Texas High School Tragedy
Statement from the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF):
Our hearts go out to victims and their families of the Santa Fe, Texas High School tragedy.
On behalf of the members of our industry, the National Shooting Sports Foundation has long advocated for effective solutions to prevent unauthorized access to firearms by children, criminals, the dangerously mentally ill and others who cannot be trusted to handle firearms in a safe and responsible manner. Members of the firearms industry believe that preventing the unauthorized access to firearms of any kind at any time can help prevent accidents and deter thefts, suicides and the criminal misuse of firearms.
At the center of this commitment is NSSF’s Own It? Respect it. Secure it.® initiative, which is built on the firearm industry’s long-standing commitment to safety and was developed to promote and encourage firearm safety and storage. It also serves to enhance and amplify the messages of ongoing firearm safety and education campaigns such as Project ChildSafe®, which has distributed more than 37 million free firearm safety kits which include a gun lock to gun owners through partnerships with law enforcement agencies in all 50 states.
The firearms industry welcomes participation in the conversation in Texas and across the nation to make our communities and our schools safer. We will continue to lead and participate in finding and enhancing practical solutions that protect lives and preserve our citizens’ liberties.
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