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November 16, 2017

NSSF Launches Members-Only State Law Database

By Larry Keane

Your understanding of the state laws affecting your business is crucial. You will want to ensure compliance with state statutes so that you and your employees do not inadvertently run afoul of state officials. But you also need to plan for your future success with a complete understanding of the legal environment in which you operate.

For these reasons, NSSF is pleased to announce that our members may now access a compendium of state laws relevant to our industry. You asked NSSF to provide this database and we made certain that the considerable time spent in its compilation and organization has resulted in a resource that will be of considerable value to your business now and for years to come.

You will be able to access an interactive map to search the statutes in any state starting with overview and organized by the categories most relevant to your business needs:

  • Design
  • Liability
  • Licensing
  • Manufacturing
  • Marketing
  • Preemption
  • Sales
  • Transportation

This resource will be periodically updated as new legislation is passed.

To access this new members-only state law database, sign in and start your research.

If you have any questions or comments about this new offering, please contact Benjamin Erwin, [email protected]

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Tags: access business Compliance Design FFL Firearms firearms industry firearms laws gun laws liability licensing Manufacturing marketing NSSF Preemption sales state laws statutes Transportation understanding

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