February 22, 2017
NSSF Illustrates Business Impact of Malloy’s Policies
Governor Dannel Malloy is once again targeting the state’s gun owners. This time, with a massive increase in pistol permit fees. Now that his policies have left the state with yet another budget shortfall, he is seeking to increase the cost of a new permit to legally carry a handgun to $370 – a full 164% increase over the current $140. He would also more than quadruple the cost of renewals to $300 from the current cost of $70 every five years. Additionally, the governor’s proposed budget would increase background check fees to $75 from $50.
On Friday, NSSF, NRA, the Connecticut Citizens Defense League and others held a press conference at the State Capitol in Hartford to challenge his new scheme to balance the budget on the backs of the state’s law-abiding gun owners. To help illustrate the damaging impact his previous gun control policies have had on the state, its businesses and taxpayers, NSSF provided the following fact sheet to media.
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