May 4, 2010
NSSF Congressional Fly-In a Success
NSSF last week hosted its third annual — and most successful yet — congressional "fly-in."
Firearms industry executives met in Washington, D.C., with key congressional leaders on a number of legislative and regulatory issues important to the industry. "This was the best fly-in I've had the privilege to attend," said NSSF President Steve Sanetti. "Representatives from our industry were able to meet face-to-face with lawmakers about their concerns. NSSF also used the opportunity to highlight the immense economic impact our industry has in this country by releasing our recently commissioned Firearms and Ammunition Industry Economic Impact Report."
Issues discussed at the fly-in included reforming the payment schedule for federal excise taxes, safeguarding the rights of sportsmen to continue to use traditional ammunition, improving the ability of U.S. manufacturers to compete in an increasingly global economy by removing export controls (not affecting national security) that impede business and seeking a comprehensive federal study of firearms microstamping — an unreliable technology being promoted by gun-control groups. Industry executives were pleased with the results.
"Attending the fly-in afforded me the opportunity to have our company's voice heard by important congressional leaders," said Joe Bartozzi, NSSF board member and O.F. Mossberg & Sons senior vice president and general counsel.
Categories: Government Relations