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September 23, 2016

Marketing Guru Dan Coates to Share Insights at 2017 SHOT Show University

If there’s one thing we’ve worked to educate our retailers and range owners on over the past several years, it is that the face of the American shooter has changed. From Millennials to Boomers and a still-healthy presence of “traditional” firearms owners, your customer mix is more varied than it’s ever been. Likely, so is your staff.

Dan Coates
Dan Coates

If your staff is as varied in age as family reunion, then you won’t want to miss the SHOT Show University Master’s track learning session “Managing in the Multi-Generational Workplace.” The session will be moderated by Dan Coates, President and co-founder of New York City-based Ypulse. Ypulse is a leading authority on youth and millennial marketing and research, producing syndicated and custom research to marketers by surveying tweens, teens and 20-somethings. The information is collected from two sources,, a proprietary online community of consumers aged 13 to 34, and Thumb, a mobile social Q&A network. Facebook, Fidelity, VEVO, YouTube and The Coca-Cola Company are a few of the companies that rely on Ypulse to help them engage with young consumers.

In “Managing in the Multi-Generational Workplace,” Coates will discuss how the U.S. workplace today is precariously balanced between three generations—Boomers, X’ers and Millennials—but with abundant signs of inter-generational feuding. With each generation convinced that all the others “just don’t get it,” how does today’s retailer ensure that the goals of the organization are aligned with the values of the team, regardless the generation to which each team member belongs? Acknowledging radically different core motivations between each generation, Coates will explain how his research works to provide tactical and strategic management guidance that produces generationally attuned solutions. Coates will show how this kind of research can improve attracting, retaining and rewarding high-potential team members and allow you to do away with the one-size-fits-all approach that no longer works with today’s diverse staffing.

Registration for the 2017 SHOT Show, including SHOT Show University course signup, will be available in mid-October. For more information, including current news, added show events and more, visit

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