February 13, 2013
Make Your Voice Heard, Contact Your Legislators
Severely restrictive gun-control legislation has been introduced throughout the country, including in the U.S. Congress and in California, Colorado, Connecticut, Maryland, Minnesota and New Jersey. Other states are expected to follow suit. New York has already hastily passed new anti-gun laws, the severe impacts of which are only just being realized. In response, firearms owners are turning out by the thousands at state hearings, but just as important is letting your legislators know by letter or phone call that these proposed bills are misguided, unwarranted and an assault on Second Amendment rights.
NSSF makes it easy for you to take action through our Legislative Action Center website. Call or write your federal and state legislators today and urge them to protect your right to own and use the firearms of your choice for target shooting, hunting, personal and home protection and collecting.
Protect your gun rights – Visit and bookmark these valuable resources:
Visit NSSF’s Legislative Action Center
Find contact information for federal and state legislators, learn about newly introduced firearms legislation and take action.
Use the Research State and Federal Legislation and Industry-Relevant Federal Legislation tool.
Track alarming efforts to restrict ownership and use of semiautomatic rifles and ammunition.
Visit NSSF’s Government Relations site at nssf.org/GovRel
Categories: Education, Government Relations, Hunting, Industry News, Retailers, Shooting, Top Stories