October 9, 2009
Majority of Americans Against Gun Control
New Rasmussen and Gallup reports reveal that more Americans oppose stricter gun control laws.
"Just 39 percent of Americans now say the United States needs stricter gun control," according to Rasmussen Reports, which released its poll results last Monday. Rasmussen reported that "50 percent are opposed to stricter gun control laws, and 11% are not sure."
Last March, 43 percent favored stricter gun control laws, according to Rasmussen.
The report comes in advance of the Supreme Court agreeing to hear the McDonald v. Chicago case that will determine if the Second Amendment trumps state and local anti-gun laws. The case is sponsored by the Second Amendment Foundation and the Illinois State Rifle Association on behalf of several Chicago residents.
According to Rasmussen, "Only 20% of adults believe city governments have the right to prevent citizens from owning handguns.
Sixty-nine percent (69%) disagree and say city governments do not have that right. Eleven percent (11%) are undecided.
Eighty-seven percent (87%) of Republicans, 52% of Democrats and 72% of unaffiliateds say cities do not have the right to ban handgun ownership."
The Gallup poll, released today, confirms the trend, finding "a new low of 44 percent of Americans saying the laws covering firearm sales should be made more strict. That is down 5 points in the last year and 34 points from the high of 78 percent recorded the first time the question was asked, in 1990."
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