August 9, 2016
Jared Sloane Newest Addition to SHOT Show University Speaker Lineup
When it comes to shooting ranges, the idea of “build it and they will come” isn’t the savviest way to go. Nor is it a way to keep money flowing in to pay for staff, range maintenance or to keep the lights on. Like anything else, you must reach out and find new customers, turning them into loyal, regular visitors who spend money.
Whether you’re considering building a range, already manage one and realize business could be better or are a veteran range manager looking for those new opportunities that continue to deliver the high level of service your customers have come to expect, you won’t want to miss Jared Sloane’s “Range Promotion” session at the 2017 SHOT Show University, part of the Range learning track. Sloane is a founding employee of Shoot Smart, an NSSF Five Star-rated range operation in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex area. He has driven innovation, professionalism and growth throughout the company, helping Shoot Smart expand twice within 12 months, first with its original range and then again through the acquisition of its second store. His leadership was also instrumental in Shoot Smart’s recognition by the Fort Worth Chamber of Commerce as Small Business of the Year: Emerging Business in 2014. Sloane now manages the company’s marketing, branding and social media presence, and he also serves on NSSF’s Range Advisory Council.
In the Range Promotion session, Sloane will talk about marketing plans that work to keep your current customer base returning, while also working to discover those who don’t know about your facility and have the potential to grow that base. He’ll also discuss how adding competitions, special events and other entertainment elements can keep your facility fresh, as well how using today’s many social media platforms can draw in new customers and keep your regulars engaged.
Registration for the 2017 SHOT Show and SHOT Show University will open in mid-October. Until then, check SHOTShow.org for all the latest news, including educational updates and newly added events and features.