May 24, 2010
High Court Denies Cert in Ileto
Today, the U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear the appeal in Ileto v. Glock (09-812). Ileto stems from the August 1999 crime spree by Buford O. Furrow, Jr., a white supremacist, who shot several children at the North Valley Jewish Community Center and then gunned down U.S. postal carrier Joseph Ileto. Family members of the deceased and children wounded in the shootings sued Glock, RSR and several others. This case had been dismissed earlier based on the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act. Representing Glock and RSR in the case was Christopher Renzulli of the Renzulli Law Firm, who after being notified of the Supreme Court’s rejection of the appeal remarked, "Our clients are elated that the judicial system has confirmed what they have been saying all along — Bufford Furrow's brutal criminal conduct caused this tragedy. GLOCK and RSR continue to enjoy their unblemished reputations in the law enforcement and civilian firearm communities."
Lawrence G. Keane, Senior Vice President and General Counsel of the National Shooting Sports Foundation, the trade association for the firearms industry, applauded today’s Supreme Court rejection of the Ileto appeal stating “Today, common sense and fairness prevailed over misguided attempts to blame members of the firearms industry for the criminal acts of others.”
Categories: Government Relations