September 20, 2016
Hats Off to Jason Falconer, Who Stopped Minnesota Mall Attack
This past weekend, a man wielding a knife stabbed 10 people in a crowded mall in St. Cloud, Minnesota. Fortunately, no one was killed—but that was largely due to the actions of Jason Falconer, president and owner of NSSF member business Tactical Advantage.
Falconer, a law enforcement officer who was off-duty at the time and shopping at the mall, happened to be at the wrong place at the right time, and his years of training enabled him to stop the attacker. In an interview with Minnesota’s Star Tribune, St. Cloud Police Chief William Anderson said, “This could have been much, much worse” if not for Falconer’s “swift and direct” response to the chaos.
That much you may have seen on the evening news. What you likely didn’t learn, though, is that Falconer is a long-time shooting sports competitor in USPSA and 3-Gun, and owner and president of Tactical Advantage, an NSSF member shooting range, firearms retailer and training center in Waite Park, Minnesota.
We at NSSF extend our most sincere thanks to Jason for his dedication to his craft, to law enforcement and our industry, and especially for his selfless actions that endangered his own life as he sought to save others.
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